Women’s epic 10k at deer valley resort


Women’s epic 10k at deer valley resort

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September 27, 2025 at 9am

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Park City, UT 84060 US

diverse group of individuals walking together along a rustic dirt road surrounded by greenery
woman runs energetically through a forest, accompanied by a group of fellow runners amidst lush greenery

10k, 1253ft Vert Gain

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What you can expect

  • hearts icon

    A badass community of women

  • destination icon

    A challenging, but empowering course

  • sparkles icon

    Best of amenities at Deer Valley Resort

  • necklace icon

    Women’s Epic necklace

  • discount icon

    Exclusive Deer Valley Lodging discount

  • training icon

    A 12-Week Training Plan

  • shopping bags icon

    An epic swag bag and T-shirt or hat

  • donation icon

    Support Our Charity Partner

  • party popper icon

    The most epic after-party at the Finish Line!

  • leaves icon

    Breathtaking views of Utah’s changing leaves

*All swag-bags/bibs may be picked up Friday before the race (September 27) from 5:00pm to 6:30pm at Deer Valley Resort. I.D. must be provided. Or in the morning from 7:30-8:30am.


group of individuals jogging along a scenic trail adjacent to a ski lift in a mountainous landscape
group of women walking together on a scenic trail surrounded by nature

All About the race

The race will start at 9am at the base of Deer Valley Resort near the Snow Park Lodge where you will hike, jog or run your 10k loop with roughly 1601ft vertical elevation gain.

This 10k course is 4.6 miles of mostly gradual uphill and then a steep 1.5 miles downhill. The secret to this course is a strong start the first half mile while the trail is wide. It quickly turns into a single track where passing will be more time-consuming. Please be courteous and allow runners to pass on the left.

This course weaves you uphill through a variety of landscapes including thick pines, gorgeous autumn trees, and open country. It’s sprinkled with flatter sections where you will be able to pick up the pace and enjoy the views

There will be a strict cutoff at 10:00am at Mile 2.

You’ll work your way up Deer Crest and Mid-Mountain with beautiful views of Park City. The better the views get, the closer you are to the top. Your first aid station sponsored by Clean Simple Eats will be about two miles in with water and CSE Hydrate containing natural electrolytes, and your second aid station sponsored by Solaray Her Life STAGES about 3.67 miles in at the Silver Lake Lodge where you’ll ring the bell, have one more climb then begin your descent. The course is mostly downhill from there on out where you’ll drop quickly down the Bald Eagle Hiking Trail.

You will be able to see the course you just conquered on your way down, breath the fresh mountain air, and run into the Women’s Epic after-party and vendor village where the music will be jamming and the crowd will be cheering you on as you run under the arch (we are getting chills just thinking about it)!

Additional Information

  • skill level icon

    Skill Level

    This event is for all skill levels

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    10:00am cutoff for Mile 2 and 1pm cutoff for entire race

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    10k, 1253ft Elevation Gain.
    Aid Stations at Mile 2.17 and Mile 3.67

  • no dogs allowed icon

    Pet Policy

    No dogs allowed